It’s time again to update everyone on my progress since re-injuring my back and starting the slow road to recovery. Overall I felt like physical therapy went well and, functionally, I feel much better than I did. I can pick up my kids Phoebe and Everett with no issues, and can work around the farm relatively pain free. Training on the other hand, has been a slow process.
I have progressed from light bodybuilding movements to heavier ones, and started reintroducing more compound movements. My bench is moving back up and I recently started strict overhead pressing again. In January I competed in the Dino Gym Challenge. I took token lifts in a couple lifts, but felt safe getting after it on the crucifix. I tied my second best competition lift ever, setting the national record for the 120 kg class, as well as the best ever crucifix by a master lifter. While competing in the first quarter postal, I broke the all-time masters record in the holdout raised lift, but narrowly missed breaking my all-time overall record in that discipline.
While this all sounds like sunshine and rainbows, I still have to be exceptionally cautious with deadlifting and squatting. During the Dino challenge I did a trap bar deadlift that was heavier than what I worked up to in training yet was still quite light. It felt good, so I pulled repetitions on it the following week. The next day my low back seized up so bad that walking became a chore. Unfortunately it impacted more than just my training and I had to take a day off work. Since then I have approached deadlifting cautiously in hopes of preventing another setback; I haven’t even attempted a squat yet.
Aside from bodybuilding and deadlifting, I’ve amped up my cardio, riding the stationary bike or doing circuits when I have to stay inside, but running through our farmland and woods when I can. Staying off roads and running in the countryside is good for the soul and makes me feel great. I feel like I am running further and, even though I am setting no speed records, it is going faster each time. Luckily the impact of running is not causing me any additional back issues (so far). I am always amazed at how quickly I can acclimate to additional cardio work since adding HMB to my regiment.
So that’s where I am. I am cautiously optimistic going forward and have no set competition plans in the near future. While I would like to defend my Heavy Lift Championship title, it is two months away and I do not feel ready for that kind of training. I will continue to utilize HMB and PEAK ATP in the fight for recovery and getting back to where I was. This back injury has been a pretty big roadblock, but I trust it is not an insurmountable one.
-Eric Todd